2015! Out With The Old, Focus On The New

amazing-hope-quotes-sayings-pictures-5-24e753a7Happy New Year!! 2015: the bright, new, un-corrupted, full of promise. Everything is still yet to be this year and once again I am filled with hope. The beginning of a new year always makes me reflective, as I’m sure it does many, but more so it fills me with hope. Hope this year will be the best one yet. I am not really one to set New Years resolutions because more often than not people set unreasonable expectations of themselves and when they don’t succeed at them within the first couple weeks, they give up. Change requires devotion and hard work. Instead of setting resolutions, I set focus for the year. I do a little soul-searching and review the good and the bad of my year prior taking into consideration what I’d really like to achieve in the next year. Some times I set a main focus and then a few minor focuses. I’ve been spending the last few days reviewing my choices for focus this year. Of course continuing my writing is one on the list. I definitely want to finish writing my novel this year. It’s super important to me to complete it. It’s also important to continue my blog, but I also feel like I need to focus more on promoting myself. I was content in 2014 just to write and post, but keep myself some what in the shadows of writing still. I really wasn’t quite ready to shout from the rooftops, “Hey World, here’s my blog…. read it!” I’ve been playing it way too cautious and doing a disservice to myself; I feel like I do have a message to share with the world and my words have a positive impact on those who read them, so I should really try harder to put myself out there more often. Write Novel and Promote blog: focus number one and two.

My younger brother is getting married in May, which I am super excited about, so the wedding will definitely be a main focus, which naturally leads me to family. I want to spend more time sharing memories with our families. Busy and conflicting schedules makes it a challenge, but one I need to focus more on. I am certainly looking forward to being a bridesmaid and helping plan all the fun wedding related events. Family: Focus Three

Volunteer work is another task that has been on my mind lately. I feel like I haven’t given back enough to my community. Working part-time and being a Mom limits my time quite a bit, so I couldn’t commit myself to a part-time volunteer position, but there are lots of one day community events that go on all throughout the year that I really want to take part in. One of them I found last year was an environment clean up event where you can sign up to go clean up garbage down by the river near our house. Helping clean up our world and keep it a beautiful place for our next generations is one of the most important things to me and I want to instill those environmentally conscious beliefs in my son as well. A river clean up day is something we both can do together to help make a difference. Volunteer work: Focus Four.

2014 was rocky at times for my family and we lost great people. I am looking forward to starting 2015 with a fresh and positive attitude. I will try hard every day to be humble and thankful for every breath of this life. I will focus on the good and the great and leave all the negative and bad behind in 2014. I wish all of you reading the best love and laughter 2015 has to offer. I hope you conquer your dreams and your fears. I hope many wonderful things will come to you and your families. I look forward to taking each day, one at a time with the bravest of smiles on my face and the brightest of light and love filling my heart. 

To my amazing family and friends near and far, happiest new year! I love you all.

2015 here I come!

❤ Melissa

3 thoughts on “2015! Out With The Old, Focus On The New

  1. Duane January 3, 2015 / 3:10 pm

    Happy New Year love! Looking forward to the year with you, and our lil man and following your blog. I look forward to it every week.

  2. Tracy January 5, 2015 / 7:56 pm

    Happy New Year Melissa …… Wishing you, Duane and Dylan all the best in 2015. Thanks for the great read….. Love Cousin T

    • sasloveswords January 5, 2015 / 8:01 pm

      Hey Tracy! Thanks so much for reading. Happy new year to you too! 🙂 xo

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